Hi, I am Xintong Hu

Web Developer

What I have learned


I am proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React and know how to use them to build mobile responsive website. I also have some understanding of styled-components, Redux, React-Router and Typescript.


I am new to Back-End, so I use firebase at the moment. But I know some SQL and Node.js and decide to learn deeper next year. I want to be a full-stack developer.

Other skills

I know how to use webpack and I think it is really powerful. Besides, I can use some design software such as Adobe Photoshop and Indesign.

My Work

Xintong's Kitchen

I built this website from ground-up by using React, Firebase and google map api.

The design of the website was inspired by a pizza restaurant near my home. Eating pizza all the time is not healthy, so my website only offers food that 'looks healthy'. You can make an order, but I don't have enough money to hire a chef at the moment.


Meme Match

I like playing video games, so I decided to practice my front-end knowledge by building game applications. I used React to build this game. The rule of the game is simple, but the game itself is not as easy as it looks like.


A Very Simple Snake Game

This is a simple snake game. I only used vanilla JavaScript to build it. Debugging a game is very challenging but rewarding.

I add a controller for small screen, so you could also play it on your mobile phone.


More about me!

I was an experienced editor and journalist. I have interviewed hundreds of people in my career.

City of Sydney's mayor and I

I interviewed City of Sydney's mayor on New Year's Day last year.

Nicole Kidman

I had dinner with Nicole Kidman on F1 Australian Grand Prix.

My team

I was a part of an amazing team of four people.

Premier's Multicultural Communications Awards

Our channel had 10,000 followers on youtube, 700,000 followers on Weibo, and was nominated in the Premier's Multicultural Communications Awards last year.However, our company ceased operations in March this year due to the pandemic.

I was also a columnist. I had a column about video games on a local Chinese magazine. It was one of the most popular Chinese magazine in Sydney. But it is now out of print due to the pandemic.

JavaScript books

This is my story. The past was good, but I need to move on. I am ready to become a Web Developer!